Exotic Creatures

Rough Green Snake

When it comes to snakes, we are not a united front.  Chris thinks they are amazing, I think they are TERRIFYING!  I do have to admit that this little green fella is quite beautiful, but I can comfortably say that because I did not see it in person.  Chris did.  I would never ever stop to take a picture of a snake, I’d be running for my life.

Ray with a rattler

Thankfully I wasn’t there the day Ray picked up a 4ft rattle snake.  If I witnessed that, I may have put a for sale sign up immediately.  Let’s just say I’m on constant high alert when walking around.  I know, I know that these (terrifying) creatures have had a peaceful place to call home for decades, and I recognize that we are disrupting their lives, but I am hopeful that we are making enough noise that they decide to relocate where annoying humans haven’t taken over.  Twenty-two acres is not enough space to share with even one snake in my opinion.  Sorry scary creatures, please move along.

Oh, and have I mentioned the banana spiders??????  😣🤦‍♀️